Sunday 8 March 2015

A realisation

I may have found a way to photograph a subject that interests me but it's not certain yet so I'm going to wait until it is before talking about it in full here.  But it may be a really good alternative to one of the impossible ideas I had earlier for narrative, although thinking about it, either of those ideas could and should probably take a lot longer than the time I have for the course work.

But what I have realised for certain is that I have not in any way yet earned the right to have access to virtually impossible places like prisons and/or places where vulnerable adults are cared for.  I do not have a body of work behind me and am a just a student, albeit one that also sometimes works professionally and commercially.  I have yet to build up any serious work though so why would anyone say, sure, come in and take photos of our secretive, sensitive places, places where no other photographers are allowed??? Hopefully the thing that may happen which I mentioned will happen and that will the beginning of building up some work and experience and then when I have built up a richer background of work, I might be able to tackle the very difficult things.

This week has a been a good week despite the frustrations because I have learnt things that are integral to going forward - it's OK to have ambitious ideas but it's important to be realistic too.  I often think maybe the thing to do is just go and get a job as soon as my youngest child starts school and just do photography as a hobby - which may well turn out to be what I should and will do. Nevertheless it's important to learn these things as of course I may keep persevering.

I have also been asked to do the stills on a short firm shoot in May which will be fun to do - and certainly worth doing for experience if nothing else.

I am still thinking about what to do for the narrative but I'm leaning towards the idea of abstract images related to inner fantasy coupled with quotidian details from my daily life.  Will have to chat about it when Skyping AC.

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